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The Final Phoenix Podcast

The Final Phoenix Podcast

Hosted by: Lora Perry

Time to Rise and Come Home. A podcast about consciousness, human nature, spiritual nature, and a journey around the art and science of who and what we really are. A trip from where you are, to home. Listen in to...

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The Ways We THINK Things Should Be | Episode 9

We often (unknowingly) come to conclusions that we (think) things should be a certain way. When we think like this, we reject the million other ways something can be right and all the ways it can be even better.
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Experiencing Constants & Variables | Episode 8

There are constants in life and there are variables. Knowing the difference isn't enough, but experiencing the difference is. For updates on programs related to this topic, be sure to sign up for my program updates at...
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A Question to Change Your Life | Episode 7

In this episode I have a question for you, or two. If you could ask for anything, what would it be? Just one thing? If you could ask just one question to the universe, what would it be, specifically? In this episode I...
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Life Without Words | Episode 6

If you can imagine and experience a life without words, then you can experience a deeper and more meaningful experience of people, places, things, and life as a whole.
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Insight vs. Thoughts and Where Insight and Thoughts Come From | Episode 5

What are you really? Why you are not your thoughts. A bit about what free will has to do with thoughts. How your own insight can help you in your life. A brief explanation of insight vs thought, where insight and...
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Being Present to Create with The Universe | Episode 4

You don't have to go at this alone. The Universe is in the pilots seat. The Train Stop Blog Post can be found here. Sending you love and light throughout your day today. xoxo,  Lora
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How to Stop Overthinking - Living from The Neutral Stance | Episode 3

Our brains are computers which also have gears. We can live life in reverse gear (thinking about the past), overdrive (thinking about the future), or a we can live life from multitude of other gears. Here is what can...
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Are you Researching Life or Exploring Through Life? | Episode 2

Remember when you were a child and you went gallivanting around, experiencing life without a worry in mind? Let this episode take you back a little and remind you about that innate part of ourselves that is trying to...
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What are Thoughts? | Episode 1

What are thoughts? Plus a short explanation of the 3 Principles.
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