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The #1 Thing I Implemented that Completely Transformed My Business

Oct 19, 2023

Here’s The #1 Thing I Implemented that Completely Transformed My Business. (plus 4 more!)

1. Create a consistent calendar for routine actions you can take. For example:

Mondays: I have routine meetings every Monday but otherwise I keep the day open to learn, reflect on my business, my way of being and the actions I might take that day and the week ahead. I reflect from the previous week, look at numbers and data, and meditate on my next best aligned step or steps. I listen to my feelings and start each week new and fresh with a blank to-do list. Trust me, anything important will jump back on in no time.

Tuesdays: My Tuesdays are full of teaching and sitting in a noisy setting. I utilize the couple hours of free time to build out and set up our business software(s) and perfect the programs that I teach in the mornings and evenings.

Wednesdays: I record video and audio content every Wednesday because I know I have the most quiet time that day. This includes podcasts, YouTube videos, TikTok, reels, etc. I DO NOT attempt this or even consider it on a Tuesday or Thursday when I’m in a busy or noisy setting. This is also a good day for me to edit and schedule these. 

Thursdays: My Thursdays are also full of teaching. I take the few hours of quiet time I have on Thursdays and write: books, blog posts, email/nurturing campaigns and posts.

Fridays: More routine meetings and financial reporting but I keep the day open for flow and work on whatever I feel I have the space for, I check in with myself to see what’s come up since Monday, and also how I FEEL about the week. I tie up any lose ends and also push a few things for review on Monday the following week such as program ideas, workshop ideas, ponderings, etc.

I keep my weekends open and live from a space of guidance. If I need to get away to the beach - I go. If I need a drive. I go for a drive. If I want to work on a project or program, I work. If I need to catch up on errands, chores, or anything with a deadline, then I do that. Generally, I keep my weekends as wide open as possible. 

You see, each day, I only have a few hours of "regimented & scheduled time/activities". I keep the rest of my day open to flow, tuning into my intuition and allow life and my guidance to guide me in the ways it does.

I ALSO ALLOW ALL OF THE ABOVE TO BE FLEXIBLE and change at any time it needs to EXCEPT: I think and feel it through and make sure I can still do + be in a balanced state BEFORE making a new schedule or moving things around. I change my planned/structured time and tasks with intention, intuition, and foresight.

I DO: Keep self-care as a top priority. Meaning I take daily walks in the morning to reflect and feel through any insights I have about my life adventure and the game of business. And that I feel good about what I'm creating, building, and how I'm living. I make sure I get my workouts in during the week, eat foods that add to me feeling good and spend time with my loved ones. This is a priority for me as I believe much of my purpose is right in front of me in the form of family, friends, co-workers and our staff and kids... and my spouse. Our nurtured relationships is important to me and my life. 

I DO NOT: Get hard on myself if I don't get recordings done on Wednesdays, if I don't get my writing done on Thursdays or if I completely forget about financial reporting on Fridays. I don't entertain negative self-talk or utilize thoughts that don't serve me in a positive way.

I DON'T add insult to injury by adding negative-self talk to skipping my morning walk if I'm too tired. 

I GIVE myself grace & cheer myself on no matter what. If I can learn from something, I do. Regardless, I pull out the pom-poms and remind myself "2-4-6-8 who do I appreciate? ME!" 

I DO NOT let my brain dictate what I do. Instead, I let my body guide me by allowing it to sleep more when it needs to. I ALLOW it to move towards things, tasks, and people that uplift my energy. I SKIP a workout when I'm getting the cue to rest. 

I SKIP a meditation when I feel inspired to chat with a friend. 

I TUNE into my emotions and am prepared to take a right, left, or u-turn at any point in my day. I listen to my internal guidance and allow it to be my internal compass. 

I ENSURE that what I take action on feels good and in alignment with my visualizations, my emotions, and the IMPACT I offer my clients. 

I DON'T work on anything I don't want to work on. If it's something I MUST do, I find a reason to be excited about it. 

The bottom line/in conclusion: 

1. Schedule things regularly that feel good for you to do that help you feel like you're building, growing, expanding, or creating in your business and progressing. You will quickly learn if they are actually helping, or not. Adjust accordingly. And make sure you schedule these things on days that it's actually possible so you can get into a natural rhythm. 

2. Allow for life's flow and ease to guide you. Sometimes when a "scheduled or planned" activity gets dropped, it's by way of natural universal progression. Which means there is likely something more aligned or exciting you can be doing with your time and energy. Don't force things.

3. Put your self-care first above all things. Being your best for others allows you to move from a peaceful and balanced state of being. And your state of being will always be injected into your work, what you do and how you show up in the world. Plus this protects you for overwhelm and burnout. It allow you to live from a peaceful place.

4. Be easy and gentle on yourself and allow yourself grace. Allow yourself the space for learning and allow yourself compassion during your expansion. It's not always easy for any of us. And you need the most compassion from - YOU.

5. There are a lot of twists and turns in soul-preneurship, so hold onto goals and expectations lightly as you navigate, learn, and integrate into this new time-space. You've made it to new-earth. It's different here.

And it's a new world. Self-compassion, allowing your energy to flow, and listening to your guidance is a requirement. 

Experience lots today, learn a bunch. 

Sending you love, support and uplifting energy as you navigate your journey.



p.s. If you're not in my facebook business group yet, join here:

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