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3 Steps to Move Past the Fear of Putting Yourself Out There

consciousco-working highestexpression Aug 06, 2023

As part of my journey into creating my online work-from-anywhere job, vocation and living from the highest expression of myself, I went through the process of moving through a "witch wound". 

If we have any kind of unresolved or unprocessed trauma or negative emotions, we go through “fear of putting ourselves out there” or “fear of expressing ourselves fully."

You see, at a regular 9-5 or where you can just "plug" yourself into a job position and do work as needed, we don't face this energy because the "job" we take isn't usually a form of our highest expression. Even if it's serving you in other ways. It's not your creation.

When you begin to create from your soul and express your spirit fully, your energy field will begin to purge this dense energy as you become lighter and brighter. 

I'll tell you the fastest way to purge this energy in 3 steps in the later paragraphs. 

But first, 

I've heard this dense energy referred to as: 

  • The Visibility Wound
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Insecurity
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Fear of Self-Expression
  • Blocked Throat Chakra
  • Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Fear or Being Scared

We need to be careful as to how we label ourselves. I'm sure you can see how some of the definitions above are more positive than others.

If giving yourself a label such as "having low-self-esteem"or as "having a visibility wound" serves you in a positive way, then do that.

However, most of the time these labels do not serve us. 

They hinder us. 

They hold us back. 

Because we're giving ourselves a definition of what we don't prefer when in reality, it's a beautiful part of your process and journey. 

We can also make the mistake of looking at labels and wounds as part of our identity, and this is not the case. We simply experience things, we don't "have" any of it.

Here are 3 steps you can take now to move through the journey faster:

  1. Begin re-framing the energy by changing the definition and label you assign to it:

"I'm learning to live from the highest expression of myself.”

"I'm moving through energy as my chakras fully open and operate smoothly"

“Energy is moving through my awareness as I transform…”

"I am moving through necessary but uncomfortable feelings..."

"Feeling scared means I'm on the right track!"

It can serve us to compartmentalize a challenge as I did. I understood the energy I was feeling as a "witch wound" where in a past life I was subjected to a negative effect when I expressed myself. 

This observation allowed me to rationalize that my consciousness is now focused in a different reality therefore the effect of my self-expression would be different.

So when using labels, be conscious of the positive and negative effects they could be having on you.

Understanding the witch wound allowed me to rationalize moving myself through the actions to face my fears. Thus, eliminating them.

  1. Notice your thoughts. Inspect your belief systems.

The witch wound, visibility wound, imposter syndrome, low self-esteem... these are just thoughts we entertain, they are not truths. They are ideas. Our thoughts stem from our beliefs about ourselves, our existence, and the world around us. 

In order to change the thoughts we generate and attract, it's important to look at your overall belief systems and investigate how they are serving you. 

Even if they are also holding you back, you keep them because they are serving you in some way... even if it's not positive.

A negative belief can serve us in a positive way or a positive belief can serve us in a negative way. You're the private investigator here into your own belief systems. 

Remember, your belief systems dictate which thoughts are attracted to you and which ones you generate. You are always abundant in thought energy. It is a constant part of the human experience. But you do get to choose which thoughts to believe and entertain even if you aren't sure which belief it comes from - yet.

A big secret about thought energy is by simply noticing a thought, your thinking patterns begin to change themselves.

  1.  The way to overcome fear is to notice it but don't let it in the driver seat of your life. Do things, and do them scared. 

All entrepreneurs face this fear in some way. 

To recap: 1. Inspect and re-frame your definition of what you’re experiencing. 2. Notice your thoughts and inspect your beliefs. 3. Do things, and do them scared.

Eventually the fear turns into love, confidence and joy. Take action while feeling all of it.

Eventually you're on the other side reaching out your hand to help others cross the same river you did.



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