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Connecting with Your Avatar

consciousco-working Aug 01, 2023

Believe it or not I’ve been around since before Google, cell phones, and even pagers. 

When I was 13 years old I got my first pager so my friends could get a hold of me by typing numbers and codes into a corded phone plugged into the wall.


The pager allowed me to receive those numbers on the small device that ONLY received numbers.


Therefore back in those days, everyone you knew had a 3 digit code to identify who was paging you, along with the phone number to call them back on. 


My 23 year old daughter on the other hand knew nothing of this "pager" and had a cell phone at 8 years old.


While visiting her friends, I couldn’t get a hold of her without calling the parents of her friends. We eventually got her a cell phone and she's been connected to the whole world ever since from a very early age.


You see, connection (in this sense) is different than it used to be. Before the rise of social media, we hung out with our friends in-person more often, emailed occasionally, and made phone calls to connect with our loved ones.


These days, we connect with them primarily through social media.


It's the same with marketing.


With one main difference: not only do we have our friends and family to connect with, we have potential clients, audiences, followers, and 4.8 billion others to take into account.


Do you remember old-school marketing and advertising? The Yellow Pages, Snail Mail (which is still very effective), late night TV commercials, and random flyers on your car windshield…?


Perhaps you don’t remember and you’ve grown through the entirety of technology as it's risen to where it is now.


Nonetheless, these are the ways we used to market BEFORE Facebook, Google, and Social Media came into existence! These were effective ways to connect with people in those days.


“The main difference between advertising and marketing is that advertising is something you PAY for through paid ads. Marketing is essentially a party you’re throwing and you’ve got to figure out how to connect with and get the message received by those you want to invite. All in all, you’ve got to connect with them.” - Lora Perry


Yes, that’s right, the best way to market to your target audience is to CONNECT with your potential clients.


And this means discovering who your avatar is.


John Maxwell said in his book ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’:


Law #10 - The Law of Connection


“One key to connecting with others is recognizing that even in a group, you have to relate to people as individuals. I’ve had the opportunity to speak to some wonderful audiences in the course of my career. The largest in stadiums with more than 60,000 people in attendance. People ask me, how in the world do you communicate with that many people? Well, the secret is simple. I don’t try to talk to thousands, I focus on talking to one person. That’s the only way to connect with people. It’s the same way when writing a book. I don’t think of the millions of people who read my books. I think of one person: You.” - John Maxwell


Connection with others needs to be genuinely felt, received, pinpointed and focused to the person you’re talking to. Your avatar.


These days, we're at an advantage. With the internet, we have access to billions and billions of people 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 


The disadvantage to this is that there are billions and billions of people using social media and other networks to connect with others. They’re sharing, engaging, learning, and having fun at any given moment of the day or night.


This means the internet and social media is a loud and busy place to be. Surface talk and talking to a crowd doesn't work here. Back in the day when we had face-to-face encounters, it was easier to connect. Now we have to be bold, direct, clear, and stand up for our messages and marketing through courage, strength, and firmness. We must stand out amongst all the surface talk and speak our Truths.


We must connect.


Check out this Essential Digital Headline Report from April 2023. Of the 8.03 billion people on the planet, at least 4.80 billion people are using social media, and 5.48 billion people have mobile phones to access the internet and social media platforms any time, at their fingertips.


If you're as old as I am, you know it hasn't always been this way.



What does this mean for conscious creators like you and me?


It means there is a lot of traffic. 


Which is excellent. 

Because nearly all of your clients, customers, and those we’re meant to serve are already online. 

But they need to be able to find you. 


They need to be able to see your messages.


To hear your messages. 


To feel your messages.

One very important way we get crystal clear on our messages so others can "see us, hear us, and feel where we're coming from" is by defining who our avatar is. Our target market is the market in which we serve, but the avatar is a very specific fantasy/ideal client who we talk to directly in everything we do.

Defining your avatar allows you to focus on your connection with them.

By defining and discovering our avatar, we know EXACTLY who we’re talking to. 


From there we can foster and build the connection and touch their heart with our messages and value-driven content.


It's our job to make sure we connect with and touch the hearts of our target audience.


This connection allows you to speak to them directly from your heart chakra and from your root chakra. Speaking from this space captures attention and brings others into the present moment with you.


It also directs your energy into clear streams of laser-focused information and intelligent energy that is valuable and appreciated. 


Stay inspired (in-spirit) and life will flow with ease, 




Email: [email protected]

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