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The Archer

Dec 04, 2023
Your reflection for today, from the writings of Chuang-tse:
"An archer competing for a clay vessel shoots effortlessly. His skill and concentration unimpeded. If the prize is changed to a brass ornament, his hands begin to shake. If it is changed to gold, he squints as if he were going blind. His abilities do not deteriorate, but his belief in them does, as he allows the supposed value of an external reward to cloud his vision..."
Remembering, most all things are easy. What makes them hard is the pressure we put on ourselves with our thoughts. The reflecting question for you here is: What is so easy for you in life... so effortless without a second thought?
Reflect now, the possibility that you can apply that same effortlessness to absolutely anything and everything once the pressure thoughts are set down. Once the subjective value you've put on the prize is set down... and you work now effortlessly without a second thought, once again. - Lora Perry

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