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Why do most people us social media?

consciousco-working Aug 03, 2023

A huge difference between Social Media Marketing and Google, YouTube and search engine marketing is that on Google, YouTube and search engines, your potential clients are actively searching for your services. 

These are much more interested buyers who are doing the work to search for information and solutions to their problem. They're taking initiative and seeking you out.

On social media they come across you by accident or because you've targeted them with an ad, essentially interrupting their "scroll" with something that grabs their attention. Even those who follow you are flooded with numerous posts, ads, and busy content.

If they do seek out your services on social media, it's generally only after they've made a good connection with you and by that point they're heading to your website to learn more about you, your services, or to buy from you. 

So why do most people use social media?

Before I answer this I want to ask you: why and how do you use social media for personal use?

And... Why and how do you use search engines like Google and YouTube for personal use?

Writing down your own answers to these questions will give you insight into how your potential customers also use the platforms.  

The TOP 3 reasons for using social media sums up to this:

  1. To Connect with Friends, Family and Loved Ones

  2. To Learn 

  3. To Have Fun

Knowing this can help you direct and adjust your content to fit your specific avatar.

Check out this data below from January 2023 regarding the general age range and gender of social media users and their preferred platforms. 

If you love posting on any and every platform, this can be helpful to reduce some of the process of posting since the majority of your ideal clients won't generally hang out on certain platforms. 

If your content is already fluid and consistent, the above chart can help you determine which new platforms to give a try to or add to your social media scheduler.

My final tip today is to get a good feel for where you prefer to post your content. Which social media platforms do you love using? This will be a good indicator of where you will be putting more heart, fun, and joy behind your work. 

Until next time, stay inspired (in-spirit) and life shall flow with ease.




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