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You Are Always Manifesting Something

manifesting Jan 25, 2023

Many of us are excited to manifest the life of our dreams, and it's important to understand that you are always manifesting something. You have manifested your life as it is now. Whether you were conscious or unconscious about it is another story, but we are creative beings and one of the big things we're constantly creating is our external realities and life experiences.


Your choice and free will here is...what do you want to manifest? And what you want to manifest depends on which vibration you want to create from and manifest from.


Remember, we attract what we are, not what we want. This is because we attract the energy and frequency that we are living from internally. So if you want a better life, you've got to learn how to shed the vibrations of what you are not, because you are naturally a high vibrating individual. You don't need to learn how to vibrate high, you need to learn how to let go of what does not serve you and what is holding you down.


Just like a mirror, when you give life a smile and happiness, it will reflect smiles and happiness back upon you. You cannot change the reflection in the mirror without changing you first.

Here are a few ways to release what is holding you down:

  • Explore your deep beliefs. Are they yours or did you adopt them from some one else? And if they are yours, how are they serving you? Make sure they serve you well and in your favor.


  • Process deep negative emotions. Everything we hold onto serves us in some way, whether an illness, belief, thought, or behavior. Often times, we perceive protection from what we hold onto, but this perceived protection might be doing more harm than good. 


  • If you don't prefer a thought, it's not for you. Focus on on thoughts you prefer and feel good to you. Don't invalidate a negative thought, simply use it as contrast to notice then focus on which thoughts you do prefer. 


  • Move your body. Heavy and dense energies naturally want to leave your energy field on their own. If you can't find anything to release consciously, then simply move your body regularly and consistently with the modality you prefer. This can be yoga, running, dancing, martial arts, hiking, walking, or whatever is fun and enjoyable for you. This allows your body to release what it no longer needs to hold onto, doing this work with it's own innate intelligence.

-Lora Perry

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