Step Into Your Natural State of PEACE, CLARITY & GUIDANCE with....


Overwhelmed, stressed, not knowing what to do, feeling disconnected from your own intuition? Listening to everyone else's solutions and still not getting results?

Do you find yourself seeking guidance from external sources, unsure if you're truly following your life's purpose?

It's frustrating, isn't it? The noise and chaos of everyday life can leave you feeling stuck, lacking clarity, and wondering if you'll ever experience the flow and ease you desire.

But here's the good news - there's a solution. Introducing the 4-Week Mindfulness Experience with me, Lora Perry, starting on October 23rd, 2023. This program is designed to help you replace frustration with inspired action, find your inner peace, and navigate life from a place of balance. It's your ticket to stepping onto your highest life path and becoming the best version of yourself.

Now, picture this: What if you don't take action? You'll continue to struggle with stress, self-doubt, and the noise of daily life. The feeling of being lost and lacking direction will persist, preventing you from living your dream life to the fullest.

On the flip side, by enrolling in this program, you'll gain the ability to:

  • Tune into and follow your inner guidance.
  • Experience the natural flow of life.
  • Rediscover focus and clarity.
  • Always know what you need when you need it.
  • Work efficiently and effectively with ease.
  • Finish projects, stay on track, and build your dream life. 

Don't miss this opportunity for transformation. Secure your spot today for just $97, a fraction of the previous course price. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Act now, as this program is only offered once per year. Take the first step toward a new perspective on life and a brighter, more aware future. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and mindfulness by enrolling now. Your inner peace and fulfillment await!

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This program is for you if:

  • You find yourself feeling stressed, ungrounded or overwhelmed.
  • You often feel like you don't know how to listen to your intuition. 
  • You struggle with trusting yourself.
  • You have a tough time listening to yourself or your guidance.
  • You seek guidance externally or from other people often.
  • You wonder if you're following your purpose?
  • You feel stuck. 
  • You lack quietness and you're tired of all the noise.
  • You're often over-thinking and trying to figure things out.
  • You feel like you lack clarity and direction.
  • You wonder if you'll ever live in flow and ease! 

Transform with this 4-Week Mindfulness Experience with Lora Perry

October 23rd to November 17, 2023

3 Step Program Designed for Easy Accountability + Application:


❇️ Access Pre-Recorded Weekly Content: Each week, you'll gain access to new pre-recorded mindfulness practices and content to apply in your daily life. 


❇️ Engage in Live Video Sessions: Join me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for live video sessions, all with replays available. These sessions will guide you towards inner peace and clarity. 


❇️ Exclusive Community: Connect with a supportive community through our app on your smartphone and interact with like-minded individuals on the same journey.

Replacing Frustration with Inspired Action 

Find your inner peace and begin to navigate life from a balanced state!

This course teaches you how to come into your natural state of peace, clarity, and being so you can step onto your highest life path and step into the highest expression of yourself. So you can finally assist humanity in the ways you're meant to and live a life even better than you can imagine!

Here's a few other benefits you'll experience:

Tune into and follow your guidance in life.

✅ Experience the natural flow to life.

✅ Say hello to focus and clarity.

✅ Know exactly what you need to know when you need to know it.

✅ No more guessing if you're working on "the right" thing or on "the right" path.

✅ Get tasks done efficiently and effectively with action and ease!

✅Finish projects, stay on track and build your empire. 

4-Week Online Transformational MindfulnessTraining


This One Time Fee Includes:

  • Pre-Recorded Course Content! ($99 value)
  • 12 Live Group Sessions with Lora! ($1,800 value)
  • All sessions will be recorded and the audio will be available for streaming on our website and app. We'll also have an exclusive group for participants that will open up on October 23rd.
  • Interact with the community through our app on your smartphone! 
  • BONUS: 5 Music & Visual Meditation Videos! ($67 Value!)
  • BONUS: Printable PDF's to take with you on the go! ($99 Value!)
  • BONUS: 15% off additional programs!
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Here's a quick overview of how it works!

  • Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we grab our favorite hot beverage and meet up online at 8:00 a.m. PST for the live portion of the course!
  • All live sessions will be recorded and the audio will be available for re-play on our website and app. We'll also have an exclusive group for participants that will open up on October 16th.
  • Each week you get access to new pre-recorded practices to apply throughout your week.
  • Our first meeting, Monday October 23rd at 8:00 a.m. PST, we join together and I'll give you more detail on how the course works and answer any questions about the program. You'll get access to your first weekly exercise this day as well. 
Why Attend Now?

Previously, I charged $497 for this same course! So you're able to get all of the same content, benefits, and results for a fraction of the price this year!

You'll go into 2024 with an exciting, new perspective on life!

100% satisfaction guarantee!

I only offer this course one time per year. 

If you're:

  • You're exhausted from trying to "figure it all out"
  • You're done with being frustrated, fed up with feeling lost, and ready to take charge. 
  • You want clarity in your life.
  • You want to be able to hear and follow your own internal guidance.
  • You want peaceful living to be your "default" setting instead of over-thinking, stress, going in circles, or worry.
  • You want to go into 2024 with a whole new perspective on life and new awareness to build the life you dream of!   
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What Mindfulness & Mindlessness Means to Me.

The neutral space of stillness, quiet, and peace is actually your natural state of being. It's not a skill you have to master. 

Most mindfulness courses can help you develop a mindfulness practice, but you don't have to practice to be in your natural state of being. Peace, clarity and calmness is not a place you're "going to" it's you experiencing your natural essence for a moment or two. 

This course is a course about mindfulness, but a better word for it is mindlessness. This rings true because we get stuck in our "small personal minds" and in our thoughts, leading to overwhelm, over-thinking, and struggle.

So what are the benefits of having a still and quiet mind? Well, a TON. But, one of my most favorite benefits aside from being in a state of peace and calmness, is clarity and the voice of my inner guidance and "wisdom hits". 

As a soulpreneur and business owner, I move from being in my head about my business, strategy, planning, systems, etc. and move out of form and into the formless nature of my soul essence and the soul essence of what I'm building.

The logical and spiritual aspects of my being learn to dance and become one in a state of unity

There is a dance between form and formlessness we can learn to feel into and embrace in it's nature. 

There is a dance between the masculine energy of doing and the feminine energy of being we can master. 

There is a master key to getting out of your own way so you can guide and support humanity in the ways you need to.

And I'm really excited to share this with you! 

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How mindlessness changed my life. And how I became mindful of the pure and true things in life.

We have a library of books in our house. Yes, we love books. But I noticed we hardly ever started or finished them before buying more. 

I knew I was a seeker in this life, but I didn't realize I was looking everywhere outside of me for something that existed inside of me. 

One day, I sat in my car with 4 Amazon packages on the passenger seat. I opened the first package, thumbed through the book, glanced at the text, and moved onto the next. 

I opened the last package and my heart sank. I knew right then and there that what I was looking for was not in any book.

But I kept buying them because...

The books consoled me for a moment, a day, or a week, and then I was off seeking again.

I was off learning, absorbing, exploring and looking. 

It would be 4 more years until I found what I was looking for. 

What I had carried with me all along. 








And a place I call "HOME". 

I was looking for stillness. 

I was looking for a quiet mind. 



And so much more. 

One thing all of these hopes have in common is that none of them reside outside of ourselves. 

They all reside within. 

It's my honor to share with you what I learned on this journey, and point you to this place within yourself.

The very thought of my experience of when this door opened for me brings me to tears. I experienced a big sigh of relief. A freedom of mind. A freedom from my small and personal mind. And a growing heart.

A freedom from my own thoughts and thinking and into a new way of being. 

A way I have found preferable ever since. 

It changed my life. And I assure you it will change yours too.

If you're a seeker and struggle with symptoms such as over-thinking, overwhelm, challenges listening to your intuition and internal guidance, stress... It's very likely you're looking for this place...

...this place inside of you.

Join me for this 4-week journey and experience into your beautiful, pristine, and brilliant inner self where peace, clarity and guidance reside.

Hope to see you on the inside!




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Start Your Transformational Mindfulness Journey Now!

Join this exclusive experience to start your transformation.

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